Donnerstag, November 25, 2004

The lists of 2004 I (more to come for sure!)

Hey ho, let's go... I still think that the last month of 2004 will bring some more, but I already got the first poll list of 2004 - stating the best band, the worst gig and things like that. I still don't have a candidate for The Band 2004 those who did cool records didn't tour Germany like ChaosBreed, My Dying Bride or Mannhai. Some of those who toured brilliant like Velvet Revolver or Monster Magnet failed after one or two good songs on the record. So... I think my artist of 2004 will be the HipHop outfit, OutKast. Ok., there are much to much songs on the records which are average - or at least they don't appeal to the metal-loving ear, but they do not only have the best song & best video, even the fun versions of that thing are as funny as this.

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Mittwoch, November 10, 2004

The Cult of Mac Blog

Ich hatte mal ein Apple-Tattoo über dem Herzen. Dann kam die neue Preispolitik, ich konnte mir kein iBook leisten - und irgendwie komme ich bisher mit meinem MS Windows Notebook ganz gut zurecht.
But old love never dies... Und nun habe ich The Cult Of Mac wiedergefunden. Das war mal die einzig wahre Mac-Fanpage aus Finnland. Heute heißt so ein Buch von einem WIRED-Redakteur - und es kann derselbe sein. Das hier ist sein The Cult of Mac Blog. Und ich bekenne: Ich spare wieder Geld!


Montag, November 08, 2004

More Hamburg

And even more Hamburg related BLOGs:
  • Lyssas Lounge
  • ELBWELLEN (no word could describe better, what's worth it living in Hamburg!)
  • Kiezblo(g/ck) - Eindr?cke aus dem Leben eines Kiezbewohners The "Kiez" can only be the other "St." in Hamburg - clearly St. Pauli
  • Didn't really figure out, who he really is, but his BLOG is ok
  • Labels:


    I still didn't figure out how to make my BLOGrole work - so these are 2 Hamburg related BLOGs I really like: StadtBild or like... e - LOG - e



    Stupid me... Das hier ist eher eine Note an mich selbst als an die Leser - bis eben gerade hatten die meisten Einträge einen Zeitunterschied von 9 Stunden - habe ich doch eben erst gefunden, wo man die Zeit von Los Angeles auf CET umstellt...

    Meine geliebte Email-Adresse bei

    My beloved Email-adress (because I really like to be a "Hamburger") should now cost 35 EUR a year. Because they improved the spam filters and functionalities. At least they told so. BUT: I'm still getting the whole amount of spam, and there is no real new functionality. So this is a rip off. I already thought about to quit. But this news at heise online gives me a little hope. But not much. Prepare to change my adress, buddies!

    Samstag, November 06, 2004

    Ein Blick ins Schlafzimmer

    Hallo Benni in England.

    Hier ist dein Zimmer - völlig auf links gezogen ;-) und ich bin mal gespannt, wie es morgen nach der Party aussehen wird...

    Ach ja, so sah das Zimmer kurz nach meinem Einzug aus - inzwischen sind zwei CD-Regale, etwas Ordnung und das aktuelle Cothurnus Poster dazu gekommen. Und die Finnisch-Vokabeln über dem Bett...

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    danke an...

    Thanx to the service Free, convenient - and helping me to keep my page at least a little up to date! Super!

    Donnerstag, November 04, 2004

    Watch the new Kaurismäki in Lübeck!

    Das hier ist in erster Linie an meine deutschen Bekannten: Heute starten in Lübeck die "Nordischen Filmtage" mit dem neuen Film von Mika Kaurismäki, "Honey Baby". In einer der vier Vorstellungen gibt es bestimmt noch Karten, ich hoffe also, man sieht sich dort!

    Am Freitag, Samstag und Sonntag gibt es auch je eine Vorführung von "Populärmusik aus Vittula/Populärmusik från Vittula" aber ich sehe noch nicht, dass ich es dahin schaffe. Hoffentlich kommt der Film anschließend noch in die Programmkinos - war schließlich ein erfolgreicher Roman.

    Dienstag, November 02, 2004

    Shrike's Time Tomblog....

    What big story behind a short "I do" ... To tell my side of the story: It was the spring of 1999, I was the newbie at Germany's mighty Rock Hard megazine. We were at Dynamo Open Air - and I had crutches because of a hurt leg, despite of that it was a gorgeous party in the backstage tent, I was really drunk (I only mention "Bierschlacht"//"beerslacht" to those who have been there as well...) and the last comrades have been to the hotel already long ago. I don't know exactly how, but I ended up at the Red Cross tent at the end, and they were so friendly to order a taxi - and put a young Finnish guy in as well, saying sth. like "take care of him, we're not really sure but he might be at the same hotel as you are". When we were getting to Eindhoven he was getting more sober - and that's the way i learnt to know Jukka from Kallio, Helsinki.
    Thanx for paying your share on this ride, dude!

    We met again on that festival, and he helped me out with some email-adresses during the last 5 years - but yesterday we met again in the blog world. This is Jukka's BLOG updated daily, a fun to read and a really good source if you want to know what's up with Stonerrock - or however you would call it. Cheers to Helsinki!

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    Montag, November 01, 2004

    Black is beautiful

    This special black box is so gorgeous! Incredible! I want it! Where do I grab the money! Robb a bank??? Work hard?!? Aaaahh ;-) Dear paople at Apple, this is a sophisticated way of convincing me... I didn't want an iPOD. But this...

    Transcribing interviews//audiograbbing

    btw., transcribing: I'm oldschool, until last week I did transcribe every tape the old and analogue way - directly from tape into the keys of the computer. But now - thanks to Audiograbber I transcribe them from MP3. Wow! Thrice the speed of typing ;-) And they got a convenient new LAME running :-)) Some times the world gets more convenient...

    Reign In Light ;-)

    Actually I've been busy this week. I transcripted and translated the interview with Xy of Samael, you can find it at in German and English. Support them on tour - they do their last date in Poland today, a lot of other dates are going to follow and a little birdy bird told me about a final gig in the Z7 additional as well ;-) And, despite you like the new output or not - the shows will be blasting, as always. Promised!