Samstag, Mai 12, 2007

Thumbs up for THE ARK!!!

4 hours to go...

So don't tell you haven't been warned when THE ARK will seduce your nerves at the Eurovision Song Contest. Or rather keen on Gay Trash Camp Transvestites from Ukraine? Rather not. Not after this preview.

As the Semi-Finale already proved, the fans of Eastern Block post-folklore or whatever are more alert in voting this year than ever. So none of my favourites did make it to the Finale - neither Israel nor Denmark, Switzerland, Czechia or Andorra (Green Day in cute) did make it. Ok - who of a Anti-Semite-Surrounding in somewhere East would vote for a punkrock playing Jew who is actually good at what he's doing? *Sarkasm mode off again* What I especially liked about the Israelian band was their wit. But ok, they will make it anyway. As all the other good bands. Buy their albums. And read you tomorrow. And vote for THE ARK!

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