Sonntag, Dezember 31, 2006

Was hat Sie 2006 zu einem anderen Menschen gemacht?

There are the usual "end of year polls" - and there is German daily newspaper die tageszeitung. Their 2006 poll is called What changed you in 2006?. But... it is entirely German, and the fun within would be lost in translation. Here's my non-translated answers:

Was hat Sie in 2006 zu einem anderen Menschen gemacht?

Meine Bandscheibe - und meine Iliosakralfugen.
Zumindest ein bißchen - es dauert doch ein bißchen, bis man dumme Gewohnheiten zugunsten von Sport und Gesundheit ändert. Immerhin hat die Krankengymnastik beim Abnehmen geholfen!

Bleibende Schäden?

Körperlich zum Glück noch keine. Siehe -> Krankengymnastik.
Mental: Zu wenig zum Bloggen, Tagebuchschreiben und zu Live-Reviews gekommen. Leidtragende: Rotz auf der Wiese, das legendäre MME-Digitalo-Treffen for jetzt fast nem Jahr. Schwamm drüber.

Menschen des Jahres?

Dörte (Danke, Frau Doktor). Frederik ("Wenn du nicht kommst, heirate ich Sonni"). FD + Jörg Michael (Donnerstag überlebt). Omid Nouripour. smh (danke an The Gathering!;-)


FIFA Fanfest. Zum Glück direkt vor unserem Büro.


Pierre Gemayel


Stockholm. Immer wieder Istanbul. Nicht Venedig.


  • Weniger Auto gefahren
  • viel das Fahrrad benutzt (Schönes Fahrad!)
  • Wir haben immer noch Nachtspeicher-Heizung,
  • bekommen aber spätestens im Frühjahr 2007 endlich Fernwärme
  • ABER: 2 Reisen mit Ryanair hin und zurück hauen rein.
  • ich fülle den "WWF Footprint wohl erst nächstes Jahr aus...

Welches Buch haben Sie weggeschmissen?

Bücher schmeißt man nicht weg, die entsorgt man bei Schlechte CDs ebenso... Obwohl: Da habe ich so manche schlimmen Demos in 2006 weggeschmissen...

Was neues entdeckt?

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Mittwoch, Dezember 27, 2006

So, genauso war Weihnachten:

Manchmal hat die Hamburger Morgenpost sowas von recht:

Mopo, 27.12.2006

Genauso war's! Nur, dass ich statt mit Bruder + Schwägerin (die ein Stockwerk höher wahrscheinlich dasselbe geguckt haben) mit Daddy über die "Sissi" - "Franz" - Dialoge gelacht habe.


Donnerstag, Dezember 07, 2006

47 Bücher spielen in Hamburg (growing list)

Just a short tipp for the page which is listing novels by the cities in which they take place. Quite interesting to look and choose the next reading!

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Stockholm Glamour Syndrom

What a concert - what an evening! I entered the Grünspan way too late for Emily Rose and Big Boy yesterday evening - who were according to some friends of mine not worth checking out anyway - to be right in time for the first song of the Backyard Babies. They like "People Like People Like People Like Us" - and St. Pauli is like them and loves them. Even though it was not half as crowded as I expected. The Grünspan was full but far from sold out. Let's keep at the venue for some time - it is one of those old theaters which is breathing show-biz history in every stone, but which is well decorated in a mix between the modern requirements of an almost daily disco and red colour all over and a bit of kitsch to underline the history. Backyard Babies did their best to stretch this impetus and played in front of a curtain of glitter - seems like Clamour For Glamour, right?! Ah, wrong band, but yes!

Wrong band? Next song is a The Clash cover, but I have to admit I don't have a clue of their back catalogue, I'm glad I recognized that it has be one of theirs. But the ret of Hamburg knew, and celebrated the Backyard Babies even more enthusiastic. So, yes, the definitely "earned the crown" and gave it a break with an acoustic version of "Made Me Madman". Just to run even harder the next minute and give it the first tunes of "Run To The Hills". To celebrate the mutual love, Nicke compares the Hamburg pirats with his own heritage, "St. Pauli people are the German Vikings".

This was obviously flattering and it his the target. This show was much more quiet in comparison to the last Hamburg gigs of the babies - but the certain love was in the air, and everyone was singing along until the last note of "Minus Celsius" has disappeared and I started out for the third half of the party and to celebrate with some old friends/work mates from Rock Hard Megazine

People Like People Like People Like Us
The Clash cover
We Go A Long Way Back
Brand New Hate
Heroes & Heroines
Star War
Cockblocker Blues
Earn The Crown
Made Me Madman (Acoustic Nicke)
Blitzkrieg Loveshock
The Mess Age (How Could I Be So Wrong)
Look At You
Dysfunctional Professional
Fill Up This
UFO Romeo
Minus Celsius
