Montag, Juni 05, 2006

WGT 4 - Sonja unter Fledermäusen

About bands and music again:

Longest Queues (without the chance to get into the venue at all)

  1. Catastrophe Ballet
  2. Rosa Crux (Geheimtipp des dritten Tages, eigentlich sprach jeder davon am Samstag)

Most stylish Corsage of the festivals

  • Liv Kristine
    Actually I didn't expect this gig to be this good as it turned out. Her voice is more beautiful then ever, the open air gig, the comparably small audience and the surroundings mixed up to a very special campfire atmosphere - and especially the people who worked in the boothes in the "Pagan Village" stressed that this is finally (*sigh*) some different music than the some dozen medieval-sounding bands who seem to be all alike after a while.

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