Dienstag, Mai 02, 2006

80 kilometers for a "koniglich" weekend!

There's several ways of celebrating the Koninginnedag in the Netherlands. One is doing like a tourist - go to The Hague or like this year to Zeewolde and do Royal spotting. Or do like the Netherlands' inhabitants do and go to a market first - and then get drunk and orange. This year I did that: Went to Alkmaar and went orange. Don't miss out the "Kaasmarkt" and the "Biermuseum" in the Oude Stad. Or maybe your liver and brain scream for mercy as mine did for a minute? Have the best coffee in town at Australian Homemade Ice Cream and coffee... and chocolade... Don't stop for the chocolade if you don't wanna end up buying the whole shop - I almost couldn't stop...

We stayed in beautiful Egmond aan den Hoef and spent already 35 kilometers on bike only getting there and back again to Alkmaar.

The second day we wanted to take it easy in comparison and to enjoy beach life in Egmond aan Zee. So we took it easy, went there and back again by "fiets", went to lunch... and wanted to enjoy the beautiful and wild nature of De Kerf and went along almost half of "de brede duinenroute". To sum it up: Yes, we had a marvellous Duvel in the dunes, had a chilling cold sundown - and ran 45 km on "fiets" again. And: Don't go there - you'll be lost in the dunes when you've never been there before, and in the late evening you'll be frightened by the sudden appearance of the long horns of the Highland cattle in the darkness. By the way - you don't occasionally need a fitness trainer you didn't know about before? Hire us!



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