Samstag, April 22, 2006

A torture camp close to home

Sometimes the shocking (historical) news come via television: The British Guardian has found out after a long and deep research that the British had an interrogation camp - or, to call it bluntly as it was revealed: a torture camp in Bad Nenndorf, near Hannover.

The German high-quality television magazine Panorama tracked this trace, met with local witnesses (which are now, 60 years later, trying to put together the faint memories), British officers and soldiers and the last survivers beyond their victims.

Well, Bad Nenndorf is close to the place where I grew up, the town I went to school in. I remember 11 years ago in 1995 there were many local "oral history work groups" which dealt with the war and post-war time. But a topic like this never came up, even though the time "under" the Brits was a huge topic. The detailed German outline of the tv documentary can be read here.

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