Sonntag, März 05, 2006

Walk and watch where you're not allowed online

After this had been on the German and Swiss news the last week, finally the art project *** ZONE*INTERDITE *** is accessible again.

ZONE*INTERDITE is an art project and has been set up as an experiment. Its purpose is to enable you to discover and explore your own perception.
Our personal perception is limited by external influences which direct us. They define our concept of reality. Our very own vision and joy of exploring is restricted by complex forms of censorship and self-censorship.
Individual self-censorship and a blindness of our very own impulses are undermined by our individual consideration and reflection and our very own horizon of imagination.

It's like invitation to walk through places of horror like Guantanamo Bay or an Islamic Trainingscamp in Kharthoum/Sudan alike. The horror lies in the information in the background - that you can "visit" places who are still inhabited by prisoners virtually, but in a rather sterile manner. Noteworthy project!


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