Samstag, Mai 13, 2006

What's your polical philosophy?

This is quite surprising in the first case: There's a big discussion in the German blogosphere after Dr. Dean classified a bunch of blogs as "left-wing liberal". Well, let's say 10 years ago no one in Germany would have had a second thought about it. Being liberal was rather normal - even conservative used it to describe their standing within the wide range of the conservative spectrum in Germany, f.e. Heiner Geißler was called liberal in comparison to Helmut Kohl.

Nowadays "liberal" is the label of the German party FDP. Note: The FDP is rather on the conservative than on the left-wing part of German policies. Since they got a make-over of their political beliefs under their current chairman the words "left wing" and "liberal" are antagonists in their use. To relativize the meaning of it again, Cynx has found some funny but scientifical games about it:
What's Your Political Philosophy? and The Political Compass. Test yaself.



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