Donnerstag, Juli 13, 2006

Tour de France 2006

Well... very much unlike the past years I haven't blogged about this year's installment of the Tour de France by now. OK, the biggest issue in this case was the FIFA world championship, as I didn't dare to spend more time in front of the tv as I already did in the name of football. Second reason is Jan Ulrich as I first thought it's pointless to watch when he's not with. Fuck off, I don't care about "legal methods". But... Tom Boonen is still in it.

... and maybe my Dad's right: "There's only two teams who I believe to be "clean": First the Gerolsteiner Team as they are supplied with enough water to shower every day. And secondly the Milram-Team. And Milram is even trying to feed them with dextrorotatory and counter-clockwise rotatory lacto-bacillus to improve the cornering technique."

(Do you have to know the humour of my Daddy to get it...?)



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