Donnerstag, Oktober 21, 2004

KREATOR: Mille in the torture chamber

Let's say, it was yesterday, because there's still an amount of i-don't-know in this ;-) KREATOR presented their upcoming album to the press in the Hamburg Dungeon. Let me tell you something about the dungeon: It stinks! If you're on a tourist tour through it you just might recognize it as an additional feature - but it's getting painful if there is a huge buffet and you are invited to eat. Due to circumstances I only got a glimpse and some tortilla chips from the buffet and that's it, so... By the way, I think they extra-invented a mixture of rancid fat and honey for the stink. And, next fact to be added: The background noise sucks when you sober, but completely pissed it's quite bizarr to head out for the lavatory and listen to drunken mermaids or whatever. The record of the official listening thing was posted early yesterday at and later on Blabbermouth. On a more partying issue: Andy and Alex, you rule! In the end: I did not recognise the earthquake. Ironically enough the epi-center has been the little village where our former trainee Hinnerk is living.


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