Dienstag, Oktober 12, 2004

Facing exams

I'm just typing - or hoping that I do... - the last few phrases for a essay for university. It's a review about the book "The Ottoman Empire. The classical age 1300-1600" of Halil Inalcik. Puh! Never took me so long to read one (!) book, which was written so well. So packed with information! Only two more phrases, and some spelling check, then the review is done. Musically spoken: The recent CRADLE OF FILTH still kicks major ass. You may read my interview with Dave if you know a little German. At least: It is metal! And, to piss "someone" off a bit (greetz to Columbia ;-) Look at those nice pics on the official CRADLE page. Look, who's giving huggies: www.cradleoffilth.com/cof/adrian_photos_25.htm and www.cradleoffilth.com/cof/james_5.htm


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