Dienstag, Januar 03, 2006

This Date in Medieval History - January 03

A happy new year, everyone!

Everybody's looking back and forth on New Year's eve, so here's the extreme to it. Test this calendar:
This Date in Medieval History. Today 485 years ago Martin Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X. which marks the break between Luther's followers and the catholic church. The calendar is only like a short reminder of events - if your not really familiar with them you have to look them up, f.e. at Wikipedia. Well - it can be just an informative excursion if you look up the German Version of Wikipedia. But if you wanna have an exhausting evening full of historic, theologic and sociologic arguments, then lookup the article in the English edition. Wow! Now "the wikis" are really starting to get a scientific medium, not only a small lexicon.

So back to beginning. And if you wanna look up something really romantic then follow January 05 and the story of Shah Jahan.

Have a great 2006!


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