Donnerstag, April 07, 2005

Gran Turismo or: vakantiereis in Vlaanderen

It was a spontaneous decision - a friend of mine was travelling the same direction anyway, so I had a lift - I had an invitation. Yeeha, so I was on my way to Kortrijk in Belgium. Nice holidays with nice friends, a big CHEERS and THANKS! In Kortrijk was a fun fair going on this week, so we spent a lot of time at funny things like shooting games.

And of course I spent some money in the local record store...

The sunday started with a seemingly major event in the region - the Ronde van Vlaanderen. I saw many famous racing cyclists - but I recognized only a few, among them Jaan Kirsipuu - and Erik Zabel, who later scored no. 4.

Well, so much about Kortrijk - next time I'm gonna take a closer look at the River "Leie" or "Lys" as it is called in France - or "The Golden River" as it was called during the high times of the linen industries. And the Linen Museum.

Also I'm gonna search for the traces of Breydel und Coninck next time I'm gonna visit Kortijk. Both were leading the Flemish in the Battle of the Golden Spurs or "Guldensporenslag" which the Flemish won against France. The "Guldensporenslag" was the prelimenary for the 100 Years War, but we don't wanna talk about it now, well?!

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