Donnerstag, April 07, 2005

I liked the Pope 'cause the Pope smoked Dope

So, I was in holiday and the world changed. Well, at least Rome and the rest of the catholic world. And the Belgian TV program. Even BBC did change theirs, but there at least I understood most of it.

I wonder how many people might have made an April Fool about it? No one will ever know... Ah, yes - and I liked the pope. Maybe because I'm NOT catholic. So I liked his approach towards other religion and other denominations. Even though I would have immediately have left the church if he would have made a success in reuniting any of the denominations. But he never wanted it as well, so...
I liked his peace policy as much as I dislike his approach to regain controll about the private lifes of the christian, his anachronistic sex morals and maybe some of the dogmas.

But: I think he showed a lot of style the way he died - defeating the US american trend of keeping sb. alive as long as doctors and medicine can. Ironically the same week as Mrs. Schiavo. I think he showed a lot of dignity by waving the world farewell as he did.


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