Mittwoch, Februar 08, 2006

Fatwa-recommended reading for extreme times

The times for wish-wash indifferent liberals is over. Extreme times like these need extremistic reading. I just finished "Angels & Demons" by Dan Brown - but this was in times before last weekend. So I think I need something stronger, and will start reading Salman Rushdie's "The Ground Beneath Her Feet" tomorrow. Yes, according to my headline you could have expected something else, but "The Satanic Verses" is - in my opinion - not Rushdie's best book, and this BLOG is not about fullfilling expectations. Rushdie's best book is, and that has to be stressed, because it's highly underestimated, "Haroun and The Sea of Stories".
Already ordered for reading is also "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown - and it seems to fit perfectly into the hypocrisy shown by Opus Dei just recently, see yesterday's New York Times for coverage. 'nuff said.


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