Dienstag, Oktober 04, 2005

Photo-Mania: I'm at flickr now, too!

Well, I still have several photo sections on my old page. But I was always looking for a possibility to have a nice and easy to handle photo bucket. While I don't like Photobucket. While I was having flickR in my Rss-Feeds for almost 6 month. But it's never too late, and now I have my own public picture page to share photos too big to be sent by email - or too popular too keep them for my own. Stay curious!

ps: What I like best at flickr is the tagging. I'm still finding a way to get a patch for blogger to be able to categorize my entrys. As I'm still waiting for it (and as I'm way too lazy for moving my whole blog on a different service, too!) now I at least have a cool system of categorizing my pics...


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