Montag, Juni 27, 2005

Thunder over Balingen ;-)

Back from the next couple of festivals...

I have been to Graspop Metal Meeting and Bang Your Head Open Air with Nevermore. Well, I'm not really back, sitting at Bine's computer in Düsseldorf, ready to head off to Belgium in a few minutes again. With Belgium's finest I don't remember sth. special worth blogging, but with Bang Your Head we were comparatively lucky: We arrived just the moment the damages of the thunderstorm were mostly put away. And the next heavy rain was so decent to wait until Nevermore have left the stage.

As we didn't see the damages ourselves I had to check out the news for it (gleeful, umm? No, just curious..) and it is covered in: Südwest Aktiv and even in Germany's number one tv news, the Tagesschau (here via Südwestfunk).


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