Samstag, Mai 07, 2005

Tickets for the FIFA world cup 2006...

As I already posted here some month ago: The FIFA World Cup 2006 will be a desaster for your freedom rights. Already by applying for the tickets you have to strip naked all your personal data, which will be stored on the RFID-Chip on the ticket to be compared any time with your passport or other things. All in the name of so-called security. As it is more or less discussed not even the data of those people who didn't get a ticket was deleted, it's all stored at the FIFA for marketing purposes.

But now, after the first part of the tickets is given away to the first lucky winners of this lottery, the first ones sell their's of course at Ebay - to the maximum of 12.500 EUR at the moment. Now bloody politicians protest - not against the unfair, insecure and freedom threatening way of selling the tickets, but against Ebay. Incredible! Here's the list of those responsible:
Members of the Parliamentary Commission for sports


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